Ready to finally  break the cycles  holding you back?

Turn those "Why am I like this!?" frustrations into bold, life-changing breakthroughs with our unique W.I.L.D. signature framework

The Cycle Breakers Society is an all-in-one solution offering 

step-by-step guidance, practical tools, & expert support

to stop self-sabotaging patterns like overthinking, guilt, anxiety, and people-pleasing.

with wisdom that speaks directly to the unique complexities of women’s lives and ambitions in today’s society & gives you the roadmap to change you’ve been craving.

Stop Believing That It’s Something Wrong with You

You're getting ready for bed, it's late and you've had a long exhausting day (which feels like every day lately)

You’re just brushing your teeth, running through your never-ending to-do list for the next day… 

and then BAM! out of nowhere, like a ton of bricks…

you remember that ONE thing you said to a co-worker or a friend from last week.

Ugh, and the overthinking spiral begins…

You start obsessing over whether you said the right thing.

Then the “What If’s” start their bullshit…

  • What if they took it the wrong way..

  • What if you should have said something different…

  • What if they tell other people what you said… 

Your heart starts racing, and you can feel the anxiety creeping in.


You wish you didn’t care, you even tell yourself “It’s not a big deal, they probably don’t even remember it, just get out of your head!” 

But, no matter how hard you’ve tried- and you feel like you’ve tried it all… From therapy to self-love affirmations to women supporting women FB groups, and the list probably goes on and on right? 

It's like you know exactly what you need to do, but you just can't seem to make it happen.

So you end up trapped again: 

  • stuck in your own head, overthinking everything and second-guessing yourself at every turn

  • always putting everyone else's needs before your own

  • fixating on what others think of you and needing that approval

  • agonizing over every little choice and decision for fear of making the "wrong" move

  • walking on eggshells, trying to avoid any criticism or judgment from others

  • feeling like there's something inherently wrong with you, like you're not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough

  • can't seem to break free from the grip of people-pleasing and start living for yourself

And let’s be honest.. you are already juggling a million different tasks and to-do's, so you don't even know where to start when it comes to prioritizing your own needs and desires… 

And you can’t even imagine adding one more thing to your plate.

If you’re tired of just sucking it up and being stuck in the endless worry loop, I want you to know…

it doesn’t have to be like this!

How different would your life look if you could  finally get the tools  & step-by-step guidance you’ve always needed?

Take a moment and imagine a life where you could:

  • Finally say "no" to requests that drain your energy or go against your values, setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing your own needs and desires.

  • Effortlessly make decisions, big or small, trusting your intuition and knowing that you are capable of handling whatever comes your way.

  • Confidently balance work and family life, while giving yourself permission to pursue your dreams without feeling selfish or neglecting your loved ones.

  • Build strong, fulfilling relationships with your partner, kids, family, and friends, by being present, engaged, and free of self-doubt and overthinking.

  • Rekindle the passion and excitement in your life, breaking free from the monotony of your daily routine and feeling empowered to explore new interests and experiences.

  • No longer feel like you have to switch up who you are, change yourself to fit in, or worry about being judged at every turn.

  • Confidently navigate bumps in the road with ease and resilience, knowing that you have the strength and tools to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

I know you’re sick of the cookie-cutter solutions and you just want the raw, real, strategies and support to redefine success on your own terms, creating a life that aligns with your values, passions, and dreams, rather than conforming to societal expectations and norms.

And that's why here you won’t just survive; you’ll thrive
crafting a life filled with purpose, joy, and unshakeable confidence.
Hi There!


I'm all about real change & as a Therapist turned Cycle Breaker Guide I'm BEYOND EXCITED to support you on your growth journey!

I know you've felt it too- like you're just going through the motions... 

That was me—always busy, always "fine," but deep down, I WAS EXHAUSTED & STUCK!

With over 15 years of experience as a therapist, even I found myself drowning in societal expectations and personal pressures that made me feel anything but myself. 

My life felt like a constant fight between who I was and who I was expected to be, leaving me feeling lost and disconnected.

On paper it looked like I had it all & I wore the mask of 'having it all together' until suddenly losing my Dad... Then all of my hidden struggles exploded straight to the surface forcing me to face the truth.

Lost in grief and searching for answers, I turned to every self-help book, therapy session, and self-development guru I could find.

I tried...

Juggling Everything: I played the super mom and the go-to person at work, thinking I could out-busy my grief and confusion. It only left me more exhausted.

The Fitness Fix: Shedding 80 lbs and getting fit felt great, but it was another way of running away from my deeper emotional issues.

Quitting the Toxic Job: This was huge. I was in a job with a 'mean girls' club vibe, where everyone pretended everything was fine. It pushed me to my limit and walking away from that toxic environment was one of the best decisions I ever made (believing it would end my cycle of unhappiness)

And after years of trying to out-busy my grief and dissatisfaction—

I hit rock bottom... 

Here's the hard truth I learned...

After trying to piece meal together the BEST solutions out there still struggling to find that all in one solution that ACTUALLY addressed my needs I found out: 

None of the solutions fit for me.

It felt like trying on a shoe that just wouldn’t wear right. These pivotal moments made me realize that surface-level fixes weren’t enough. 

I needed something that showed me how to dig deeper to heal and grow.

It wasn’t about changing myself.

it was about getting back to who I was truly meant to be. Through it all, I found a way back to myself, and I call this journey ReWilding.

This changed my life and that’s when I knew it was my soul's purpose to ensure that no other woman suffers as long as I did; feeling stuck in self sabotage patterns for years.

That's when I finally realized...

Navigating through my own stuff while helping to guide other women on their own journey,

I realized there was a lack of practical, tangible tools
that spoke directly to women like us

  • women needing to break free from the mundane

  • wanting to align our lives with true passions

  • craving purpose-filled lives but without the roadblocks of chaos, overwhelm & society’s suffocating pressures

The second you start making choices that align with who you REALLY are, the weight begins to lift and you find yourself becoming everything you ever needed, so you can give what you truly want to give to those who truly deserve you and your brilliance.

Welcome to...

And since I couldn’t find a solution that addressed my needs, I created it.

  • Therapist-Designed Monthly Breakthrough Toolkit Drops

  • Step-by-Step Action-Taking Guides

  • Personalized Feedback From Seasoned Therapist

  • Self-Paced Learning Modules & Structured Curriculum

  • Quarterly Breakthrough Accelerator Workshops

  • Monthly Challenges, Trainings, Workshops

  • Comprehensive Resource Library

  • Monthly Live Q&A Sessions

  • Inner Circle & Guest Experts 

The Cycle Breakers Society

The Monthly Step-by-Step Breakthrough Toolkit Membership to Build a
Guilt-FREE & Purpose-FULL Life without Sacrificing Yourself!

A monthly membership that feels like your favorite oversized sweatshirt, giving you the comfortable space to break cycles and enjoy life as your real, raw, unfiltered self.

Say goodbye to sugar-coated solutions and hello to a real-life strategies that meet you where you're at.

When you join us you’'ll finally get the practical, tangible tools and support you need to make meaningful progress and change your life for good.

Get the Tools & Guidance You Need for Real Change

Inside you'll find an exclusive collection of live workshops, tools, and wisdom that delivers impactful but still practical solutions, invaluable insights, direct answers and guidance that seamlessly fit into your busy life,

without adding to your mental load.

Most programs charge anywhere from $200 to $500 per month for this kind of value.








Get monthly toolkits created by an experienced therapist packed w/ actionable strategies and practical tools, so that you can feel truly supported and stop feeling overwhelmed

Engage in live monthly challenges, trainings, and workshops that guide you in applying the breakthrough toolkits, so that you can push your boundaries, develop new skills, and experience a sense of accomplishment and growth each month.


Receive tailored advice and feedback from a licensed therapist, so that you can feel truly seen and understood, gaining confidence that you’re on the right path.

Join live Q&A sessions every month to get direct answers to your questions from experts, so that you can feel immediate relief and connection through real-time support.


Access a vast library of guides, worksheets, mini trainings, and templates, so that you can feel reassured knowing you have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.

Receive clear, step-by-step guides to implement each breakthrough toolkit, monthly challenge, training, or workshop, so that you can know exactly what to do next and eliminate confusion.


Follow a structured curriculum with self-paced learning modules designed to build a strong foundation for personal growth, so that you can feel empowered by a clear, guided path to consistent progress.

Connect with a community of like-minded women and learn from guest experts in various fields, so that you can feel inspired and validated by a supportive network.

Now, I know you don’t want to be here all day reading this page…

But let’s be honest, love, you’ve had enough, and something’s got to give.

That’s why we are here…

Because you deserve more than to be sitting there again tonight, replaying those past conversations in your head, feeling stuck and frustrated.

This is your time to become the woman you’ve always been meant to be.

I know it’s going to be hard to change. I know it’s going to be scary.

But staying stuck is no longer an option. 

That’s why I’ve poured my heart & soul into creating a transformative roadmap of powerful breakthroughs.

I know these will help you finally break free & transform your life.



Heal the childhood wounds that still affect you today, reconnecting with your true self and finding joy and peace you thought were lost forever, so you can stop feeling like you’re not enough no matter how hard you try.

Tear down the old beliefs and societal pressures that have been running your life, and rebuild a foundation based on what truly matters to you, so you can stop feeling like you have to be perfect and start living for yourself.

Navigate through the confusion of who you really are and discover your true purpose, so you can live a life that feels meaningful and fulfilling, and stop feeling like you’re just going through the motions every day.

Stop the constant overthinking and harsh self-criticism that's holding you back, and learn to think in ways that lift you up instead of tearing you down, so you can finally turn your brain off and relax.

Confront the ways you're holding yourself back and learn to stop sabotaging your own success, so you can finally start making real progress without feeling like you're getting in your own way.

Learn to set boundaries and communicate your needs clearly, so you can protect your energy and build more respectful, balanced relationships, and stop feeling guilty every time you take a moment for yourself

Boost your self-confidence and learn to trust your instincts, making decisions that feel right and owning your power without doubt, so you can stop feeling like you're always one step away from everything crashing down.

Master your time and energy with practical strategies, so you can get things done without feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, and stop feeling like you’re constantly juggling too many things and dropping the ball on everything.

Dive deep into your hidden emotions and past wounds to uncover the parts of yourself you've been avoiding, bringing healing and self-acceptance so you can stop pretending to be okay when you’re falling apart inside.

Understand why you struggle with certain relationships and learn how to build healthier connections that make you feel truly loved and supported, ending the cycle of feeling like you're constantly disappointing everyone.

Find practical ways to manage your anxiety and stress, so you can feel calmer and more in control of your life every day, instead of being constantly on edge and snapping at your loved ones.

Release the trauma and stress stored in your body
through powerful body-based practices, helping you heal both physically and emotionally, so you can stop feeling like you’re always carrying the weight of the world.



It’s important to me to provide you with the predictability you need in your life. Every month we follow the same weekly format, no jump scares here!

So go ahead and plan your life around the things that really matter- and whenever you can’t make it live-no worries they will always be recorded for you to view later!




Understanding and Assessing Your Current State for the Month’s Theme

Assessment Tools: Use targeted worksheets to pinpoint your specific areas of focus, so you can gain clarity on what's holding you back. 

Learning Module Release: Dive into an in-depth lesson that provides you with essential insights and knowledge, setting the foundation for the month’s focused theme.

Live Q&A Session: Ask questions and discuss initial assessments so that you can experience immediate relief and connection through real-time support and answers.


Breakthrough Toolkit Drop with Actionable & Practical Tools

Breakthrough Toolkit Drops: Access a monthly toolkit packed with step-by-step guides and practical exercises, empowering you with the tools to make real progress. 

Personalized Feedback: Receive tailored feedback from an expert therapist, helping you navigate your journey with confidence and clarity. 

Community Discussion: Share your thoughts and plans in a supportive community, gaining encouragement and insights from like-minded women.

Live Implementation through Challenges, Workshops, or Trainings

Live Workshop/Challenge: Participate in an interactive session where you apply the toolkit’s strategies with real-time guidance, ensuring you take actionable steps towards your goals.

Step-by-Step Action Guide: Follow a detailed guide during the live implementation, making it easier to stay on track and achieve success.

Interactive Exercises: Engage in practical activities and breakout sessions that allow you to practice new skills in a supportive environment.

Reflection and Developing Action-Taking Goals for the Month’s Focus

Reflection Worksheets: Use guided worksheets to reflect on your progress, challenges, and achievements throughout the month. 

Goal-Setting Templates: Develop actionable goals based on your reflections to continue your growth journey. 

Accountability: Share reflections and goals in the Inner Circle for mutual support and accountability. 



It's time to release your Wild.

There’s a fire burning inside you that the world has been trying to put out for far too long.

But it’s about a controlled burn—

one that you can fuel at the right times, in the right moments, and in the right direction.

Because having a wild nature needs a W.I.L.D. Framework for it to

have direction, commitment, & the chance to shine bright into the powerful force it was always meant to be.



Awakening to the “Why” to Deconstruct the Patterns & Pressures Keeping You Stuck

Recognizing Societal Conditioning

Identifying and Understanding Hidden Patterns

Understanding Emotional Triggers and Identity

Understanding the Root Causes


Get the Tools You Need to Break the Cycles Holding You Back & Rebuild on Your Terms

Learn Grounding and Anxiety Management

Strategies to Shed Expectations of Others

Tools to Build Better Coping Strategies

Emotional Recalibration and Boundaries

Reclaim Your Power & ReWild Your Life to Embody Your True Unapologetic Self

Embracing Your Authentic Self & Rediscovering Your Identity

Mastering Goal-Setting & Manifestation

Building a Passion-Driven Lifestyle

Creating a Personalized Breakthrough Action Plans


I want all women to have the capacity to hold space for one another, in a real, raw, and authentic way-

but also gain the confidence and ability to say “No.” when they can’t or honestly don’t want to.  

I NEVER apologize when someone shows up to my house and I'm wearing my crew sweatshirt with black leggings (probably for the 2nd day in a row- just ask my partner LOL) with my messy bun high atop my bare face.

Because you know what? I'm human, and sometimes self-care looks like sweatpants and no makeup

And it’s my CHOICE! And let’s be honestas women, our choices are getting limited again.

But not here!

Informed, confident decisions in your life start today

you should know EXACTLY what I have to offer you.

Extensive Library of Resources: Access a vast collection of guides, worksheets, mini-trainings, and templates, covering a wide range of topics. Have all the tools and knowledge you need at your fingertips, ready to address any challenge you face.

Continually Updated Content: Regularly updated with new materials to keep you equipped with the latest strategies and insights. Always stay ahead with fresh, relevant content that keeps your personal growth journey dynamic and effective.

Searchable and Organized: Easily find the resources you need with a well-organized and searchable vault. Save time and reduce frustration by quickly accessing the information and tools you need when you need them.

Clear, Detailed Instructions: Each guide provides a simple breakdown of how to implement the toolkit’s strategies, so you can eliminate confusion and uncertainty, knowing exactly what steps to take next.

Visual Aids and Checklists: Includes roadmaps, planning tools and checklists to help you stay organized and track your progress, so you can stay motivated and accountable, seeing your achievements laid out visually.

Adaptable to Your Schedule: Designed to fit into your daily routine without overwhelming you, so you make consistent progress without feeling like you’re adding more to your already full plate.

Interactive and Personalized: Includes Q&A sessions, interactive exercises, and personalized feedback so you can get the direct, actionable support that addresses your most pressing pain points.

Therapist Feedback: Receive direct feedback from an experienced therapist to guide your progress so you feel supported and understood with advice tailored to your specific needs.

Practical Application: Challenges are designed to be directly applicable to your daily life, ensuring real-world benefits to experience immediate, practical changes that make a real difference in how you feel and act.

Personalized Strategies and Practical Tools: Each toolkit includes evidence-based techniques designed to tackle overthinking, guilt, anxiety, and people-pleasing, so you can break free from the patterns that keep you stuck, feeling more in control and less overwhelmed.

Easy-to-Follow Instructions: Detailed, user-friendly instructions ensure you can easily apply the techniques, even on your busiest days, so you can make real changes without adding more stress to your life. 

Comprehensive Resources: Packed with worksheets, exercises, and reflective prompts that guide you step-by-step, so you have a clear path forward, making it easier to stay on track and see real progress.

Never Miss Out on Any Live Session or Workshop

I understand that life can get crazy, and attending live sessions isn’t always possible.

That’s why every live session, training, workshop, challenge, and Q&A

is recorded and made available inside the Skool Classroom.

Unlimited Availability

As long as you have a current membership, you’ll have unlimited access to all past recordings. This means you can revisit any session whenever you need to, fitting your personal growth journey into your own schedule.

Convenient and Flexible

Whether you miss a live session or want to go over the material again, all recordings are there for you. You can watch at your own pace, ensuring you don’t miss out on any valuable insights or strategies.

Continued Support 

Even if you can’t attend live, you’re still receiving ongoing support. Engage with the community in discussions about the recorded sessions, ask questions, and share your experiences. The support from the community and myself is always there, whenever you need it.


Flexibility: Learn and grow at your own pace, without the pressure of attending live sessions. 

Reinforcement: Revisit any session to reinforce your understanding and application of the material. 

Comprehensive Resource: Build a personal library of valuable sessions that you can access anytime, ensuring continuous growth and support.

The Cycle Breakers Society 
is designed for two types of women:
If  you can check one of these boxes, you’re in the right place!

The Overwhelmed & Exhausted Woman

You're constantly juggling too many responsibilities and feel like you're always dropping the ball. The weight of worrying about what others think is exhausting, and your mind never seems to shut off, leaving you in a perpetual state of overthinking. Pretending to be okay when you're falling apart inside has become your norm, and no matter how hard you try, you can't shake the feeling that you're never enough.

The Woman Ready to Release her Wild

You sense there's more to life than feeling stuck and just going through the motions. You're tired of sabotaging your own success and are eager to break free from old, destructive patterns. You're ready to shed the weight of societal expectations and start living life on your own terms. You're committed to a rebirth and ready to embrace a new, empowered version of yourself.

The lovely things they say...

Feedback from Other Cycle Breaker’s 

  • Okay, here are the down and dirty details of what you actually get:

    This membership is your all-access pass to a comprehensive suite of tools and resources tailored specifically to help you navigate your challenges- those that take into account the pressures of being a woman in today's hustle culture & productivity-driven world.

    Here’s what’s inside:

    Structured Curriculum: Engage at your own pace with self-paced learning modules that build your knowledge and skills systematically.

    Evidence-Based Resource Library: Dive into a robust collection of resources grounded in proven psychological principles to support your growth.

    Breakthrough Toolkits: Every month, I’ll send you a toolkit I’ve personally crafted, packed with practical guides and actionable strategies to tackle issues like overthinking and self-sabotage. These toolkits are designed to fit seamlessly into your daily routine, making it easy to implement real changes.

    Inner Circle of Support: Join an empowering community of women who truly get it. Share your journey, gain insights, and find encouragement in a supportive and understanding space.

    Monthly Live Expert Feedback: Participate in live sessions including feedback opportunities, challenges, webinars, and workshops where you can learn directly from experts and apply new skills in real time.

    This membership is more than just content; it's a dynamic support system designed to help you make substantial, sustainable changes in your life.

  • What sets this membership apart isn't just the personalized guidance from me, a dedicated therapist, but also the authenticity and depth of the resources. This isn't about surface-level fixes. I provide strategies and tools that are specifically designed to root out and address the underlying issues that keep you feeling stuck.

    I've been exactly where you are—sifting through countless programs, tools, and resources, trying to piece together a solution that works. From this extensive exploration, I've distilled and integrated only the most effective strategies into our curriculum and monthly Breakthrough Toolkits. This isn’t about offering recycled advice you could find with a quick Google search.

    Instead, I provide deeply personal and finely tuned support that addresses the specific challenges faced by ambitious women. Each element of this membership—from the core curriculum to the interactive support sessions—is designed to promote sustainable growth and real, meaningful change in your life.

  • Absolutely, you'll see changes, and here’s why: this isn’t about feeding you motivational fluff leaving you feeling temporarily inspired; it’s about creating lasting change. The tools and strategies provided are designed for you to see concrete progress in how you manage challenges and make decisions in your daily life.The membership is structured around actionable steps that fit into your everyday life, not just inspirational words that fade when reality hits.

    With the monthly Breakthrough Toolkits, you get practical, step-by-step guides designed to address specific issues like overthinking and self-sabotage. Plus, the consistent support and feedback ensure that you are not just absorbing information but actively applying it. This is all about making real, observable changes in your life.

  • I totally get that you're already spinning a lot of plates—time is a precious commodity. That’s why I've designed this membership to fit into your life, not overtake it. Each part of the program, from the Breakthrough Toolkits to the live sessions, is crafted to deliver maximum value in manageable chunks. You can dive into the content at your own pace and apply what you learn in real time, integrating these changes smoothly into your daily routine.

    Plus, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice meaningful time spent with those who matter most, sifting through and doing work that doesn’t actually help you see real change. It’s all about making a big impact without a big time commitment—think of it as your on-the-go toolkit for personal growth.

  • I TRULY get it, and I’ve been there—sifting through endless options, feeling like nothing really hits the mark. Many members come to me after having tried various programs, feeling frustrated and stuck. This membership is designed to tackle the root causes of what's holding you back, not just the symptoms.

    What sets this membership apart is how it’s built: not just on broad theories but on targeted, effective strategies that address the core issues. I’ve taken everything that worked from my own journey and years of professional experience, leaving out the fluff that fills so many programs. This isn’t about giving you more of the same; it's about providing a clear, structured path with real steps that fit into your daily life, designed to produce tangible changes. You’re not just getting tips; you’re getting a toolkit for transformation, crafted to help you break through those persistent cycles that have been holding you back.

  • I completely understand—that’s why this membership is designed to be as flexible as possible. It’s just $27 a month and there are absolutely no strings attached; you can cancel anytime if you feel it's not the right fit.

    I want you to stay because you love it, not because you’re locked in. Dive in when you’re ready, and see for yourself how this can be the change you’ve been looking for, with the freedom to leave whenever you choose.

  • Here’s the thing—why wait to start feeling better? Every day you put off is another day you're not living your best life. Let’s flip that narrative! Join now, and you'll immediately get access to tools that begin enhancing your life right from the first month.

    PLUS: Joining now locks in your membership at the founding members' rate, a price designed to be as accessible as possible. And, I only open the doors to new members a few times a year, making this your chance to get in before you have to wait again.

    Every day you delay is another day not fully lived. You've already waited long enough to make time for yourself and you deserve to love your life!