8 Reasons You're Struggling to 'Bounce Back' (And Why That's Okay)

Does it feel like you blinked and suddenly three years vanished? 

Like you went from 2019 to now in the blink of an eye, with a blurry haze of uncertainty, fear, and change in between? 

In the wake of the global pandemic, many of us find ourselves in an unexpected emotional landscape.

The masks may be gone and quarantines lifted, but the impact on our psyche lingers, often in ways we struggle to articulate.

If you're feeling like you just can't get back to 'normal', you're not alone.

Many women are experiencing this strange time warp, coupled with a profound sense of change – both in the world around them and within themselves.

But what if I told you that this disorienting experience isn't a glitch, but an awakening?

The Unseen Impact of Global Crisis

The pandemic changed us more than we ever realized. It wasn't just a health crisis; it was a seismic shift in our collective experience, reshaping our perspectives, priorities, and sense of self. As we navigate this new terrain, it's crucial to understand why we might be feeling 'off' or struggling to readjust.

Let's explore eight key reasons behind this struggle and why each is a valuable part of your personal growth journey.

1. Collective Trauma Response

The pandemic was a global trauma event. Even if you didn't lose someone close to you, the constant fear, uncertainty, and isolation left indelible marks on our psyche. What you're experiencing now - the difficulty in readjusting, the anxiety about the future - these are normal responses to abnormal circumstances.

Consider this: During wartime, soldiers often struggle to readjust to civilian life. Not because they're broken, but because their experiences have fundamentally changed them. Similarly, we've all been through a type of 'war' - against an invisible enemy that threatened our way of life.

Why it's okay: Recognizing this as a trauma response validates your feelings and opens the door to healing. It's not about 'getting over it', but about integrating this experience into your life narrative.

2. Disrupted Identity

Pre-pandemic, many of us defined ourselves by our roles - career woman, social butterfly, gym enthusiast. When these were stripped away, we were forced to confront our core selves. Now, as we re-enter the world, we're grappling with who we truly are versus who we thought we were.

This identity disruption can feel destabilizing, but it's also an opportunity. Perhaps you've discovered that your work doesn't fulfill you as much as you thought, or that you value deep connections over a busy social calendar.

Why it's okay: This disruption allows you to reassess and realign your life with your authentic self, rather than societal expectations or outdated self-perceptions.

3. Heightened Awareness of Mortality

The pandemic brought death and illness to the forefront of our consciousness. This heightened awareness of our mortality can make it difficult to invest in trivial matters like we used to. If you're finding yourself questioning the point of certain activities or relationships, this could be why.

While this awareness can be uncomfortable, it also offers a chance to prioritize what truly matters. It's an opportunity to live more intentionally, focusing on what brings genuine meaning and joy to your life.

Why it's okay: This awareness can lead to a more purposeful, authentic way of living, where you invest your time and energy in what truly matters to you.

4. Shift in Values and Priorities

Isolation gave us time to reflect on what truly matters. Many women realized they were living lives that didn't align with their authentic selves. The resistance to 'going back to normal' might be your inner wisdom telling you it's time for change.

Perhaps you've discovered a passion for creativity, a desire for more work-life balance, or a need for deeper connections. These shifts are not to be ignored, but embraced as part of your personal growth.

Why it's okay: This shift allows you to align your life more closely with your true values, leading to greater fulfillment and authenticity.

5. Grief for Lost Time

There's a collective mourning for the time, experiences, and opportunities lost. This grief can manifest as restlessness, irritability, or a sense of being 'behind' in life. It's important to acknowledge this grief and allow yourself to process it.

Remember, grief isn't just about death - it's about loss in all its forms. The loss of time, experiences, and opportunities are valid reasons to grieve.

Why it's okay: Acknowledging and processing this grief is a crucial step in moving forward. It honors your experiences and allows you to release what was lost, making space for new opportunities.

6. Ongoing Uncertainty

While restrictions have eased, the future still feels uncertain. This prolonged state of 'limbo' can leave us feeling anxious and struggling to plan or commit. The pandemic shattered our illusion of control, and rebuilding our sense of security takes time.

However, this uncertainty also teaches us valuable lessons about adaptability and resilience. It challenges us to find stability within ourselves, rather than external circumstances.

Why it's okay: Embracing uncertainty can lead to greater flexibility and resilience, valuable skills in an ever-changing world.

7. Recalibrated Social Battery

Extended isolation changed our tolerance for social interaction. If you're finding social situations more draining now, it's because your 'social muscles' need time to rebuild. This isn't a flaw - it's a natural response to prolonged isolation.

This recalibration offers a chance to reassess your social needs and boundaries. Perhaps you've discovered you need more alone time than you previously thought, or that you prefer deeper conversations over small talk.

Why it's okay: This recalibration allows you to create social patterns that truly serve your needs, rather than defaulting to pre-pandemic habits.

8. Unprocessed Emotions

During the height of the pandemic, many of us went into survival mode, pushing aside our emotions to cope. Now, as things calm down, these unprocessed feelings are surfacing, demanding attention.

This emotional backlog can feel overwhelming, but it's a crucial part of healing. It's your psyche's way of saying, "We're safe now. It's time to process what we've been through."

Why it's okay: Processing these emotions, while challenging, is essential for healing and personal growth. It allows you to integrate your experiences and move forward with greater emotional awareness.

Moving Forward: Embracing Your Awakening

Here's the crucial part: These feelings aren't something to "get over." They're gateways to your authentic self, inviting you to shed old patterns and embrace who you truly are.

So, how do we move forward?

Here are 5 tangible steps you can start trying right now:

Conduct a Values Audit

  • List your pre-pandemic priorities vs. your current ones 

  • Identify which changes align with your core self 

  • Commit to honoring at least one new value daily

Create a 'Non-Negotiables' List

  • Write down 3-5 boundaries you won't compromise on anymore 

  • Practice enforcing these in low-stakes situations first 

  • Log how you feel after each instance of boundary-setting

Implement a Daily 'Authenticity Check'

  • Set a recurring alarm • When it goes off, ask: "Am I being true to myself right now?"

  • If not, make one small adjustment immediately

Start a 'Permission Slip' Practice

  • Each morning, write yourself a permission slip 

  • Example: "I give myself permission to prioritize rest over productivity today" 

  • Review at night: How did honoring this permission feel?

Initiate 'Authentic Conversations'

  • Choose one relationship weekly

  • Share one thing you've realized about yourself post-pandemic

  • Note how being authentic impacts your connections

Remember, this isn't about overhauling your entire life overnight. It's about consistent, small actions that honor your evolving self.

Tracking your progress is key. Consider starting a journal dedicated to this journey, noting changes, challenges, and breakthroughs.

Your Invitation to Deeper Healing

While these insights and steps provide a starting point, true transformation often requires guided support and a community of like-minded women.

That's why I created the 3-Day Emotional Wound Mapping Challenge.

In just 3 days, you'll:

Uncover Hidden Patterns: Identify the exact cycles keeping you stuck and learn how to break them.

Create Your Emotional Map: Pinpoint your specific wounds and understand their real-world impacts on your life.

Develop Your Healing Roadmap: Get a personalized, step-by-step plan for healing and growth.

Access Exclusive Tools: Gain strategies and techniques not available anywhere else.

Join a Powerful Community: Connect with women who truly get it and support your journey.

But here's the kicker: This challenge isn't just about gaining knowledge. It's about implementing real change, starting NOW.

Each day, you'll:

  • Receive practical exercises tailored to your unique emotional landscape

  • Get live guidance to ensure you're on the right track

  • Have the opportunity to ask questions and receive personalized feedback

Don't let another day go by feeling disconnected from your true self.

Join the Emotional Wound Mapping Challenge for just $5 and start your journey to authentic living today.

Remember, the goal isn't to "go back to normal." It's to move forward into a more authentic, aligned version of yourself.

Your authentic self is waiting. Are you ready to meet her?


Rethinking 'Trust Your Gut': A Guide to Authentic Decision-Making for Women