Welcome to My 35th Chapter!

So here's the deal: I just hit 35. And honestly? It freaked me out a bit.

There's something about this number that feels a bit more 'grown-up' than I was ready for. You know those birthdays that make you stop and think, 'Okay, now I really need to have my act together'? Yeah, that was 35 for me.

For the longest time, there was this nagging voice in my head whispering about all the things I thought I should have accomplished by now. It's like suddenly, you're supposed to be this fully formed 'real adult.' But here's what I've realized: at 35, I'm not just older; I'm also wiser, stronger, and frankly, more myself than I've ever been.

I'm sharing the real, the raw, and the surprising lessons I've learned. From questioning if I'm where I 'should' be, to celebrating the journey and growth that have brought me here, it's been a wild ride.

Let’s talk about what it means to hit one of those 'big' birthdays, and how it can shake you, wake you, and ultimately, make you see life in a whole new light.

Finding My True Self: From Broken to ReWilded

I used to think I had to fit into that polished, poised, perfect mold. But trying to live up to that broke me.

After losing my Dad 3 years ago I now recognize not only did I lose him, but my old self died with him. It was in acknowledging my wounds, the deep ones that had me questioning my worth and screaming into the void, "Why the hell do I keep doing this to myself?" that I began to heal.

Our journeys often include carrying wounds that may feel like brokenness.

But here's the thing - these are actually marks of our incredible resilience.

This year, more than ever, I've learned the importance of nurturing our worthiness.

Letting it bloom into success that is genuinely reflective of who we are is a beautiful process.

Uncomfortable Necessity: The Power of Focusing on Yourself

This year was all about me figuring out what I want, what I need, and how to make myself a priority.

It's been uncomfortable, like sitting alone at a party, but there is so much power in focusing on yourself. It's okay, and honestly, it's necessary. I’m talking about the kind of self-focus that's more about self-preservation than selfishness. It's about tuning into your needs, your desires, your dreams – and heck, even your nightmares.

Why? Because that's where you find the gems, the real you. Yes, it can feel lonely, diving deep into your healing journey, but trust me, it's all a part of rewilding your life.

How You Can Do It:

Set aside time daily or weekly for self-reflection. It can be as simple as journaling your thoughts and feelings or practicing meditation. Use this time to check in with yourself, your goals, and your wellbeing.

Sharing My Story on My Terms

In a world where oversharing is the norm, I've learned the art of holding back.

Not every victory needs a parade, and not every setback needs a sob story. You don't have to share every detail of your journey. Dive into your passions and share them when you're ready. Your story is uniquely yours, and you have the power to tell it in your own time and way.

I've learned it's okay not to tell others everything you're doing. Dive into your passions and share them when you feel ready. There's something incredibly empowering about owning your story and choosing how and when to share it with the world.

You don’t need to share every detail of what you're doing. It's okay to dive headfirst into things you're passionate about and only share when you're ready. There's incredible strength in moving at your own pace. It's okay to keep your progress and passions close to your heart. Share your story when you feel ready - your experiences are yours to reveal in your own time.

It’s empowering to know you don’t have to share every aspect of your life with the world.

How You Can Do It:

Implement a '24-hour rule' for sharing personal experiences. Give yourself 24 hours before sharing any personal victory or setback. This period allows you to fully process your emotions and decide whether you want to share it publicly or keep it private.

Saying Goodbye to ‘People-Pleasing' & Hello to Boundaries

This year also taught me the importance of releasing toxicity and choosing me and those who truly matter. 

Learning to let go of what doesn't serve you — whether it's situations, opinions, or relationships — is a crucial part of self-care. It means living for you and those who truly matter, understanding that you don't have to respond to everything or say yes just to please. 

Remember, not having an opinion on certain things, not responding to certain triggers, and saying no (or nothing!) to protect your energy is not just okay – it’s essential.

Establishing boundaries and learning to say 'no' or choosing silence has been a powerful lesson in protecting my energy and living for myself and those who truly matter.

How You Can Do It:

Identify one toxic habit or influence in your life and take active steps to remove or reduce it. This could be unfollowing negative social media accounts, setting boundaries in relationships, or stopping a harmful habit.

Seeking Understanding in the 'Hot Mess' Days

It's perfectly normal to have days where you feel all over the place. This year, I've embraced them.

We all have those days where everything feels like a hot mess – hair's a disaster, coffee spills, mood's all over the place. This year, I've started to just roll with those days. They suck, sure, but they also teach us a lot about ourselves. It's all about finding the lesson in the mess.

These days are not failures; they're opportunities for growth and understanding. I started to dig deeper on those days, asking myself, "Why?" Instead of avoiding these feelings, I've learned to lean in and learn from them. These are the days where we learn the most about ourselves- let them teach you. It's about facing each emotion head-on, growing from it, not running from it. This practice has opened doors to deeper understanding and healing.

How You Can Do It:

On tough days, instead of spiraling into negativity, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” or “What’s this chaos teaching me?” Write down your thoughts. This helps in transforming overwhelming moments and using these experiences as lessons to grow stronger.

Chasing Perfection is What Broke Me in the First Place

This year I really started to question what 'perfection' really meant. Was it about living a flawless life or about embracing each moment, each challenge, each joy as it comes?

I chose the latter. I embraced the days when things didn't go as planned, when my vulnerabilities were on full display. Each of these moments taught me something about myself, about resilience, about authenticity.

In my work, in my relationships, I started to let go of the pressure to be perfect. I shared my doubts and fears more openly, I laughed at my mistakes, and I celebrated the small, imperfect victories. This shift wasn't easy – it meant confronting deep-seated beliefs and societal expectations. But it was liberating. I felt freer, more authentic, more connected to others. The need for a perfect image slowly dissolved, and in its place came a sense of peace with just being me.

How You Can Do It:

Celebrate small victories and accept flaws without self-judgment. When you make a mistake, instead of beating yourself up, acknowledge it as a part of your human experience.

Listening to & Actually Trusting My Inner Voice

This year was about tuning out the chaos and tuning into my inner voice.

I remember sitting alone one evening, amidst the noise of self-doubt and societal expectations, and asking myself, "What do I truly want?" That moment of introspection was a turning point. It led me to make decisions that weren't always popular but felt right to me. Trusting my inner voice led me to paths I never would have explored otherwise – from starting a new project to ending a toxic relationship.

In a world full of noise, your inner voice is your truest guide. Trust it. Sometimes, what your heart knows is something your mind is still trying to catch up with. This year has been about tuning into that inner voice and letting it guide me through the highs and lows.

How You Can Do It:

Practice mindfulness to better connect with your inner voice. Spend a few minutes each day in quiet reflection, focusing on your breath, and tuning into your thoughts and feelings. This practice can help you distinguish between the noise of the world and your own inner wisdom. Trust that your inner voice will guide you toward authenticity.

Sometimes Healing Feels Sh*tty, But it’s Suppose To

If you're looking for a pretty story about healing, this isn't it. Healing is messy- this year for me came with it’s own ups & downs on this healing journey.

Healing isn’t neat or straightforward and it sure as hell doesn’t come with an instruction manual. It's been about navigating my own complex feelings and experiences. Some days, I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. But then, there were these moments – subtle yet significant – where things started to make sense.

These small victories, these moments of quiet triumph, are the real heart of healing. They don't scream for attention, but they're powerful. Celebrating these wins has been crucial for me. They're reminders that healing isn't always about the big revelations; often, it's in the small shifts, the gradual lifting of weight, the gentle return of hope.

Healing is deeply personal. It's about finding your own path through the complexities of your emotions and experiences. And every small step, every bit of progress, no matter how modest, is a step towards healing.

How You Can Do It:

Develop a personalized 'healing ritual.' This could involve setting aside a specific time each week for self-care activities like yoga, a long bath, or reading. This ritual becomes a dedicated time to focus on your emotional and mental well-being, acknowledging that healing is an ongoing process.

Owning My Story: Every Chapter Counts

This year, I took control of my narrative.

It's about embracing every chapter, every twist, every turn. I truly embraced my story, every single bit of it. It's been about accepting each chapter of my life, recognizing that every twist, every turn has contributed to who I am. Your story, like mine, is a unique tapestry woven from both triumphs and trials. To own it is to stand in your truth, unashamed, unapologetic, and fiercely proud. Owning it means standing in your truth, unashamed and unapologetic.

How You Can Do It:

Create a personal manifesto or a vision board that reflects your journey, values, and aspirations. This serves as a reminder of your unique path and helps you stay true to yourself.

The Power of Our Collective Strength: A Toast to Authenticity & Growth

This journey has taught me the profound importance of accepting and loving my true self.

It's been about giving myself the space and grace to focus on my needs, to walk the sometimes lonely but always rewarding path of self-discovery and healing. As I step into another year, my commitment to living authentically has never been stronger. I'm embracing every part of my journey, sharing my story not just as a tale of survival, but as a beacon of empowerment and inspiration.

This process, this rewilding of myself, hasn't been about breaking down; it's been about breaking open. Peeling back the layers I had built up over the years, and realigning with the person I truly am – raw, real, and unfiltered. It's been a journey of shedding the expectations and narratives that no longer serve me, and stepping into my own light.

Our pasts are indeed not shadows to be feared or hidden away. They are our greatest teachers, our guides to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. They remind us to shine brightly, to shape our paths with intention and authenticity.

As we move forward, let’s hold onto the power of our true selves. Let’s not underestimate the importance of understanding our emotions, the strength that comes from vulnerability, and the resilience that lies within each of us. Our journeys are as unique as we are, each marked by its own challenges and triumphs.

Ready to Rewrite Your Story & Step into Your Power?

As we've walked through my 35th chapter together, you've seen the raw and unfiltered truths.

Now, it's your turn. Are you ready to step out of the shadows of overthinking, self-doubt, and the endless pursuit of perfection?

I've been a bit under the radar these past weeks, and trust me, there's a good reason for it. Amidst all these life realizations and embracing the 'hot mess' that sometimes is being 35 (and fabulous), I've been quietly stirring up something really close to my heart.

In the quiet of recent weeks, I've been passionately crafting something truly special. As I embraced the beautiful chaos of life at 35, I realized the need for a unique, transformative experience – just for you.

This is Your Exclusive Invitation to 'ReWild Your Emotions' – Your 12-Week Intensive Coaching Journey

I'm thrilled to announce my upcoming beta group coaching program, meticulously tailored to help you navigate life's complexities and emerge stronger. I built this program from my own experiences to help you navigate the chaos of life and turn it into your strength. It's about getting real with your emotions, setting healthy boundaries, and learning to love the beautifully imperfect you. It's a deep, personal journey back to your true self, and here's why it's an opportunity you don't want to miss:

  • Unprecedented Personalized Support: This is the only time I'll be offering such intimate, personalized group coaching before transitioning to a broader monthly membership format this spring.

  • Conquer Anxiety and Overwhelm: Learn practical tools to navigate through intense emotions, helping you find peace in the chaos.

  • Break Free from Limiting Cycles: Replace overthinking and self-doubt with strategies that propel you forward.

  • Heal and Grow: Dive into your past traumas and emotional wounds, and emerge stronger and more connected to your true self.

  • Assert Your Boundaries: Discover the power of saying no, setting healthy limits, and freeing yourself from the need to please others.

  • Rediscover Your Passions: Rekindle your deepest desires and unlock the potential that's been waiting to burst forth.

  • A Comprehensive Emotional Toolkit: Delve deep into managing emotions and anxiety, breaking free from overthinking, and rediscovering your passions.

  • A Unique Transformation Journey: This is more than change; it's a transformation. A rare chance to reshape your world from the inside out, to find courage in chaos, and turn inner turmoil into strength.

Limited Opportunity for Personalized, Intensive Support

This is the only time I will offer such a closely guided, small-group experience before launching my broader monthly membership. You'll receive unparalleled personal support from me, and this level of access won't be available again, especially at this value. This is a rare chance for you to receive coaching that's both personal and profound, tailored to your unique emotional landscape. It's a journey that offers real solutions, not just temporary fixes.

To ensure a truly impactful and personalized experience, spots are limited. If you're ready to shift from uncertainty to empowerment, this is your defining moment.

Remember, this isn’t about fixing you – because you’re not broken. It’s about empowering you to live a life that's truly yours, unapologetically and authentically.

Join Now for a Life-Changing Opportunity That Won’t Come Again

Enough of feeling overwhelmed by life's demands. It's time to step into a life led by confidence, clarity, and authenticity. This program is about real change, a renewal of your emotional self. This is your moment to rewrite your story, not just for a season but for a lifetime. Be part of this exclusive emotional journey. Reserve your spot now and be the first to access a transformative experience that goes beyond mere growth – it's a complete emotional reawakening.

This isn't just a program – it's the start of your new, empowered rebirth.

Join now and gain the roadmap you’ve been craving that leads to a life filled with purpose, passion, and joy.

I can’t wait for you to join us- here’s to our stories & to living our truth.


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