Why Your Healing Feels Stuck: When Quick Fixes Fail and What Your Soul Really Needs

Stepping into the world of healing often feels like we’re up against a wall, faced with all those "what ifs" and "yeah buts" that our minds love to throw at us. It's that critical point where you stand, looking at the path ahead, and question whether you’ve got what it takes to move forward.

For me, it wasn't just about the knowledge I had as a therapist; it was deeply personal. On the outside, it looked like I had everything figured out, but inside, it was a different story. I was trying to keep everything together—juggling being a single working mom, dealing with my dad's loss, and believing I could "fix" myself with just the right amount of fitness and productivity.

Growing up, I saw my dad push through anything for us. He was all about keeping a brave face, never letting on when things were tough, and doing everything possible for his kids, even at his own expense. This taught me to value appearing strong and put together above all else.

But this façade of resilience was just that—a façade. When 2020 hit, it felt like my carefully constructed world started to fall apart. Losing my dad hit me hard, making me rethink everything I thought I knew about myself and my life.

Trying to out-busy my grief, I realized quickly that no change in routine, no additional mile run, or work accomplishment could touch the depth of chaos inside me.

So, believe me when I say, I know what it's like to feel utterly stuck, trying every possible solution but finding no relief. It's not about the professional insights I can offer as a therapist; it's about the personal hell of feeling like you're perpetually on the edge, fighting a battle no one sees.

This realization—of needing to face the hard stuff without sugar-coating—kickstarted my ReWilding journey. It made me see the gap in practical tools and insight for women like us—women who need more than just surface-level fixes to navigate life's challenges.

And that’s when it hit me- maybe we’re all caught up asking ourselves the wrong questions. Perhaps the real challenge lies in the issues we’ve been dodging because, let’s face it, they’re intimidating to face head-on. I know what it’s like to struggle with these mindsets and limiting beliefs too because these are what kept me stuck for far too long.

The Most Common Belief Holding Women Back on the Healing Journey

“What if I can't handle what I find?"

Let’s get real about what’s been holding you back: fear.

You've allowed it to dictate terms, put dreams on hold, and now, it's creeping into the idea of healing too. Why let it control this critical aspect of your life? Tackling your inner work, diving deep into healing, sure, it’s not going to be all sunshine and rainbows. It’s going to be tough, messy, and yeah, kind of shitty at times. But isn’t facing this head-on worth the chance to change everything?

Think about it. Just because you’ve become a pro at masking your struggles, it doesn’t mean they’re not affecting your life in ways you might not even notice. These unaddressed issues? They’re like background apps on your phone, draining your battery without you even realizing it. They manifest in your daily life, in your relationships, your work, your overall happiness, and you keep wondering why you're always running on low.

So here's the kicker: diving into the depths of your emotional landscape, confronting what you find there—it’s necessary. And that nagging fear of not being able to handle what comes up? Remember, this journey isn’t a solo expedition. You’re equipped with more strength and resilience than you realize, and on top of that, you don’t have to do it alone. Self-compassion, solid boundaries, and a supportive community act as your safety net, your diving gear, and your team of fellow divers all in one.

Facing your fears, embracing the messy work of healing, it might seem daunting, but it's the one thing that could revolutionize your life. And yes, while it may get kind of shitty, the truth is, staying stuck, letting fear win, and ignoring the deep-seated issues is far shittier. It’s time to stop letting fear have the final say and start tackling the work that could change everything. Because honestly, covering it up isn’t fooling anyone, least of all yourself. It’s manifesting, whether you acknowledge it or not.

The question now is, are you ready to confront it, to truly dive in and do the hard but transformative work of healing?

The Path Forward: 5 Steps You Need to Take Break the Cycle

Healing is a commitment to confronting the difficult questions, to diving deep into the parts of ourselves we’ve been afraid to examine.

It's a battlefield, yes, but it's also the ground on which we reclaim our strength, our peace, and our vibrancy.

It’s time to leave behind those temporary fixes that promise the world but leave us facing the same issues time and again. Real healing is for those ready to confront the root of their struggles head-on.

Here’s how you can start:

  1. Acknowledge the Necessity of Inner Work:

    Understand that true change—lasting, impactful change—comes from confronting and healing from within. Yes, it's daunting, and yes, it's absolutely worth it. Accept that this journey is for you, a gift to yourself that goes beyond surface-level solutions to touch the very core of your being.

  2. Find Genuine Support:

    Seek out communities where vulnerability isn't just accepted; it's celebrated. Surround yourself with people who understand that healing is not a linear process and who offer support that's rooted in reality, not just feel-good platitudes. These spaces will challenge you, support your growth, and remind you that you're not alone on this journey.

  3. Build Your Coping Toolkit:

    Prepare for the ups and downs of inner work by creating a personalized toolkit for emotional relief. Whether it's journaling, meditation, deep breathing, or mindfulness, find what helps you process and release emotions healthily and constructively. This toolkit is your lifeline, keeping you grounded when the going gets tough.

  4. Dive into Shadow Work and Inner Child Healing:

    Educate yourself on the practices of shadow work and inner child healing. These powerful modalities allow you to explore and heal the deepest parts of your psyche, addressing the root causes of your pain and unlocking doors to profound self-discovery and growth.

5. Set Intentional Goals & Prioritize Time for Healing:

Define small, achievable goals that align with your healing journey. Whether it's dedicating time each day to self-reflection, completing a specific book on inner work, or attending a healing workshop, these goals will keep you focused and motivated, marking your progress on the path to breakthrough.

Make healing a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. Start with just 15 minutes a day dedicated to practices that contribute to your healing—be it writing down your thoughts and feelings, practicing mindfulness, or simply sitting with your emotions without judgment.

Take Your First Step

Your healing journey is just thatyours. It's about blooming into the person you were always meant to be, free from the shadows of past pains and fears.

Ready to start your healing journey? The Breakthrough and Bloom Challenge awaits, offering the community, tools, and support needed to navigate your inner work with courage and love.

This isn't just another self-help fad or trend on TikTok; it's a guided, compassionate journey to the heart of your pain and back out into the light.

Are you ready to take the first step? Sign up now and take the first step towards a life where you don't just survive — you thrive.

If you're ready to take control of your life and break free from the cycle of self-sabotage, grab my self study course the Ultimate Self-Sabotage Solution Program+ Implementation Toolkit.

Led by licensed therapist Joyce Agne, this workshop will provide you with practical tools, strategies, and personalized support to overcome self-sabotage and create lasting change.

Get my entire step by step implementation program & toolkit for just $97 and gain lifetime access to all replays and resources.  (VALUED AT OVER $1997)

Learn exactly how to FIND YOUR BREAKTHROUGH in 6 easy steps so you can walk away with a customized action plan that fits into your busy life!

  • What's included:

    • Comprehensive Self-Study Course: Walk through all six steps of the Ultimate Self-Sabotage Solution at your own pace

    • Step-by-Step Action Takers Guide: Practical, easy-to-follow steps to keep you on track including where to start and common mistakes to avoid

    • Implementation Toolkit: Exercises, templates, and comprehensive guides for each step.

    • Breakthrough Implementation Strategies Workbook- trackers, dashboards, and techniques to fast track your way to breakthrough self-sabotage

    • 6 Months Live Support: Get all your questions answered during 6 monthly live Q&A calls (or pre-submit questions if you can't make it live)

    • Lifetime Access: Review materials at your own pace, whenever you need


    • Beat the Overwhelm Guide: Strategies to help you manage and overcome feelings of overwhelm

    • Step-by-Step Guide to Identifying Triggers: Detailed instructions to help you pinpoint and address your triggers effectively.

    • Emotional Safety Guide for Inner Work: Grounding techniques & tools to create a safe and supportive environment for your emotional journey.


Navigating the Healing Journey: Why Starting with the Right Tools Matters


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