You Know You're Off Track, Let's Figure Out Why: The Real Deal on Emotional Triggers and Self-Sabotage

You clicked on this for a reason. 

You're sick of being stuck in a rut, and it's like you're fighting yourself to move forward. Those emotional triggers have you feeling out of control, right? You're not alone; so many women wrestle with this- I know I did for too long.

This topic hit my hard recently because, I’ve been busy designing this upcoming 3-day challenge, and total sidenote- it's going to be a game-changer.

But this whole process? It's got me feeling some type of way, because it's like hopping in a time machine and crafting a survival kit for my past self. Oh yeah, I've been there—the late-night worry spirals, the crippling self-doubt, even the desperate Googling for a quick fix- even as a therapist I felt so helpless.

I fought through years feeling like I was swimming in a turbulent ocean with no lifejacket. And those thoughts, you know them: "I'll never be good enough" or "I can't even adult today, how could I possibly aim for more?" I let those thoughts define me for a really long time— I thought I was broken, beyond repair- and this insidious thought shaped my life in ways I couldn't even recognize at the time.

Then life threw a curveball so hard it woke me up. For me, it was losing my dad. I hit a breaking point, and suddenly, it was crystal clear.

All this time, the only person holding me back was me.

The good news for you is that becoming aware is the first step toward change. So, let's roll up our sleeves and dive into the seven most common areas where emotional triggers might be messing with your life.

Why You Need to Tackle Emotional Triggers ASAP

Life is messy enough, right?

Between the hustle of work and our own personal aspirations, balancing personal relationships, and remembering to drink enough water. And let's be honest, the world feels like a dumpster fire right now, so you've got extra emotional baggage to deal with.

Here's the deal: If you don't face your triggers, you're setting yourself up for more trouble. This load can trigger self-sabotaging behaviors if not addressed. It's like a ticking time bomb inside you.

That’s why tackling emotional triggers now, not "some day," is absolutely essential. We don’t need those extra emotional weights, trust me.

Why Your Mindset Can Be Your Worst Enemy: Unpacking Limiting Beliefs and Emotional Roadblocks

Your mindset—those sneaky thoughts in the back of your head—can be your own worst enemy.

Your thoughts can either propel you forward or hold you back. Yeah, you might think you're just being "realistic" or "practical," but when doubt creeps in, it can totally derail your plans. Beliefs like "I can achieve my goals" fuel your growth, limiting beliefs such as "I'm inadequate" serve as barriers. For example, if you think "I'm not smart enough," you might avoid taking on challenging projects at work.

We’re diving deep into how limiting beliefs can mess with your life in ways you might not even recognize.

Productive Thoughts vs. Limiting Beliefs

Your head's like a roommate—you're stuck with it. Good thoughts are your BFFs; bad thoughts are those frenemies who steal your snacks.

Ever catch yourself thinking, "I'm not good enough" and then dodge the stuff that actually matters? Yep, classic self-sabotage. So your mind pulling tricks, sabotaging you- it's a trigger you need to acknowledge.

Here's a hot take: those recurring thoughts that tear you down? They're not your life's GPS. They're more like unsolicited advice from strangers on Instagram. You don’t have to engage, you know? You can say, "I hear you, but I don’t need you."

Where This Mind Garbage Comes From

Where'd you get that inner mean girl in your head?

Maybe a gaslighting ex or a parent who always wanted "the best" for you (read: constant criticism). Like, if you always got the side-eye from mom when you brought home a B+, you're gonna feel forever second-best.

Those negative thoughts didn't magically appear. Someone or something put them there. When you always feel second-best, you're carrying a heavy emotional weight, and that becomes your go-to trigger. Nailing down the origin can be like finding the emotional reset button on your life and it’s also THE KEY to overcoming them.

7 Everyday Areas Where Emotional Triggers Keep You Stuck

Alright, so you've got these emotional triggers, right?

But here's the kicker—they're not just lurking in the corners of your mind. They're playing out in real, everyday scenarios, turning manageable life stuff into a tangled mess. I’m going to spotlight 7 key life areas where these triggers are showing up, so you can stop feeling stuck and start getting real about what's holding you back.

Mom Guilt: When Parenting Triggers You

Parenting is already a hell of a rollercoaster. One moment you’re the superhero; next, you’re drowning in guilt for letting them have too much screen time. Or snap at your kid for like, no reason, and then feel like the worst mom ever?? Yeah, that's an emotional trigger doubling as mom guilt, making you feel like you've failed at Parenting 101. Mom guilt is a monster, and it can make you doubt every parenting move you make. Don't let it eat you up. Recognizing these as emotional triggers can be your ticket out of this guilt cycle, setting both you and your kiddo up for a better ride.

Relationship Issues: Where Fear of Rejection Plays Out

The whole dating and relationship game is already complicated, right? Toss in some low self-esteem or a splash of abandonment issues, and you’ve got a cocktail of self-sabotage. You know how sometimes you'll pick a stupid fight with your SO just because they're hanging out with friends? Or texting your partner every hour to know where they are, driving a wedge between you? That's fear of abandonment playing tricks on you, turning you into a stage-five clinger or an ice queen. And in relationship struggles- jealousy, insecurity, and fear of abandonment are often the culprits. These emotional triggers can turn you from loving to clinging in no time, messing up the vibe and your relationship. Sorting through these triggers can lead to not just surviving your relationships, but actually thriving in them.

Work-Life Imbalance: Why it’s so Much More than Burnout, Honey

Work stress isn’t just about deadlines and crappy co-workers. Maybe it digs up fears like "What if they find out I’m a fraud?" or "I can’t mess this up, or I’m doomed." But are you taking on more just to prove you're good enough? Burnout is lurking around the corner, and it's a beast. Don't let your impostor syndrome trigger self-destructive behavior at work. Spotting these emotional triggers can be your first step towards leaving those ‘Sunday Scaries’ in the dust.

Health and Wellness Challenges: Why You Can’t Stick to That Diet or Exercise Plan

Eating because you're bored or stressed? Yeah, that's not hunger; that's an emotional trigger acting up. Food becomes your crutch, but it leaves you feeling physically and emotionally unsatisfied. Emotional eating, anyone? Let's not let that cupcake control your emotions, okay?

Financial Stress: When Thinking about Money Feels Like a Trap

Financial stress triggers can lead to irrational spending, keeping you in a cycle of debt. Getting a huge bill in the mail can send you into full-on panic mode. And what do we do when we panic? Make bad choices. Like retail therapy when you're already broke. That's financial stress causing you to make poor decisions. Instead of getting ahead, you stay stuck in a perpetual loop of monetary instability. That's a trigger leading you down a path you don't wanna go.

Social Struggles: Why Parties Feel Like Punishment

Social anxiety can be paralyzing. You dodge gatherings, even if deep down you want to go. If the thought of a party makes you wanna lock your doors and binge-watch something, anything, you might be sabotaging your own social life. That's your emotional trigger steering you into isolation, where the problem only gets worse-you're just digging yourself deeper into your social anxiety pit. Understanding this as an emotional trigger can help you reclaim your calendar, and maybe even have some fun.

The Procrastination Pit: When Fear of Failure Keeps You Stuck

Why deal with life when you can scroll Instagram for three hours, am I right? But then that project deadline sneaks up on you, and suddenly you're drowning in stress. This delay game often roots back to emotional triggers like fear of failing or just feeling too overwhelmed. The more you delay, the more stress piles up, and the cycle keeps spinning. Recognizing these can help you turn procrastination into action.

Time o Get Real About Your Emotional Baggage: Going Beyond the Surface of Emotional Triggers

Sometimes, the emotions on the surface are just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a story behind every trigger, and honey, it's time to unpack. We all have stories that shaped us, and your emotional triggers have their own backstory. Understanding the "why" behind your triggers is the first step in breaking free. Your emotional mess didn't happen overnight, and we've gotta dig deep if we wanna sort it out.

It's not an instant fix, but girl, it's a start.

No Quick Fixes, Just Real Steps: Steps to Begin Your Journey Out of Emotional Traps

Look, I wish I could wave a magic wand and POOF, all your emotional crap would be gone. But let's be real, we need action steps. It’s time to face the messy stuff you’ve been dodging. I'm not talking about that pile of laundry or those unanswered emails. I'm talking about the emotional baggage you've shoved into your "I'll deal with it later" closet.

And look, it’s easier said than done, I get it. It took me a long time, and hitting rock bottom, to figure out how to free myself. But what if you didn’t have to reach that point?

Magic wands don't exist, but action steps do. That's why I've got a 3-day challenge designed to help you pinpoint and deal with your triggers. It's not some lofty self-improvement BS; it's actionable advice that'll actually give you the steps you need to start making progress towards that life you deserve.

You're here because you know you need a change. Emotional triggers are a part of you, but they don't have to rule you. Facing your emotional triggers is a boss move. It's not gonna be a walk in the park, but it's the only way you'll break this cycle and get your life back on track. So, I’m here because I don’t want you scraping the bottom of the emotional barrel before you decide something’s gotta change. Take it from someone who's been there: you can shift gears way sooner, and believe me, the other side feels so much lighter.

Ready to Rewild Your Emotions?

Look, life doesn't hand you an instruction manual for your emotions. You've likely been winging it for years, relying on gut reactions or burying feelings you don't want to face. But let's be real: It's not working. And you don't have to keep struggling alone.So let’s quit the self-sabotage.

I've got something for you. It's not a quick fix, but it's a real tool: my Emotional Reset Kit. This isn't just a bunch of fluff. It's a practical guide filled with actionable steps and worksheets designed to help you identify and tackle your triggers head-on. You'll get methods I've personally used and recommended to countless others, tailored to your life and struggles. No more putting this off.

Get your Emotional Reset Kit and make that first meaningful step toward a life not ruled by triggers, but one where you're in the driver's seat.

What you'll get inside the Emotional Reset Kit:

  • Strategies for identifying your emotional triggers

  • Practical exercises to help you combat self-sabotage

  • Proven techniques to change your negative thought patterns

Emotional Reset Kit
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If you’re tired of being stuck, if you're sick of self-sabotaging, the time to act is now.

No more setting ourselves up for failure.

It’s time to rip off the bandaid, and get down to the real, tough, emotional work.

The kind that can set you free, once and for all. Trust me babe, if I can do it, so can you.


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