Agne Collective Growth Co.

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The Emotional Struggle Bus: Signs You're On It and How to Get Off

Signs You've Booked a Ticket on The Emotional Struggle Bus

  1. The 'Meh' Mornings: Your alarm goes off, and instead of feeling refreshed, you're immediately dreading the day ahead. Those chirpy morning rituals? Replaced by constant snooze hits.

  2. You're 'Too Much' For Yourself: Those inner voices are louder than ever, criticizing you for being too emotional, too needy, or just too...much.

  3. Emotional Whiplash: One minute you're laughing at a meme, and the next, you're on the brink of tears. These rapid emotional swings are hard to explain and even harder to control.

  4. Mirror, Mirror, Not My Friend: Instead of seeing your radiant self, every glance in the mirror is a reminder of something you want to change, fix, or hide.

  5. Random Sparks: The smallest things make you feel touchy or irritated, and sometimes, you can't even pinpoint why.

How To Bid Goodbye to The Emotional Struggle Bus

First things first….

Recognize and Acknowledge: The foundation of healing is acknowledging the wound. Start by documenting your feelings without judgment. Create a 'Feelings Log'—each time you experience an intense emotion, jot it down, the trigger, and the immediate response. Over time, patterns will emerge that can guide your healing journey.

Here are some useful strategies to try after you’ve recognized & acknowledged those wounds:

  1. Talk It Out:

    • Therapy: As a therapist, I can attest to the power of professional guidance. Therapy doesn’t mean you’re ‘broken’ or ‘unwell’ it means you have the insight and awareness to know you don’t HAVE to heal on your own.

    • Friends: A listening ear can work wonders. Choose someone non-judgmental and open.

    • Journaling: Create a 'Safe Space Journal' where you freely express without fear of judgment. It's an avenue to vent, analyze, and heal.

  2. Reclaim Your Mornings:

    • Focused Breathing: Upon waking, spend 2 minutes taking deep, deliberate breaths. It centers your mind.

    • Gratitude Journaling: Before reaching for your phone, jot down three things you're thankful for. They don't have to be grand—sometimes, the most profound joys are in the tiniest details.

    • Mindful Activities: Start your morning with activities that require your full attention, like coloring, crafting, or even cooking. This can serve as a form of meditation and grounding.

  3. Challenge the Inner Critic:

    • Affirmation Cards: Create a deck of cards with positive affirmations. Each time self-doubt creeps in, pull a card and let it be your mantra for the day.

    • Mirror Talk: Stand in front of the mirror, look into your eyes, and speak kindness to yourself. It might feel odd initially, but it's a powerful exercise in self-love.

  4. Seek The Why:

    • Emotional Root Analysis: When a certain emotion or reaction keeps surfacing, ask yourself "Why?" five times. For instance, if you're feeling touchy, ask "Why do I feel this way?" Answer, then ask "why" to that answer, and so forth. Often, by the fifth 'why', you'll have reached an emotional root.

    • Trigger Mapping: Create a visual map of your emotional triggers. Use colors, images, and words to represent different emotions and their catalysts. This can help in visually understanding the complex web of your emotions.

  5. Grab Your FREE Emotional Wounds Guide:

    Start Unraveling those "Why Am I Like This?!" moments with the Real, Raw Guide to Recognizing, Understanding, and Overcoming Emotional Wounds.

    Our emotions and reactions aren't random. They're connected to past experiences, many of which we might not even remember. That's why this guide doesn't just scratch the surface; it digs deep, unearthing the root causes of those hard-to-explain emotions and behaviors.

    Here's what you'll discover inside:

    Hidden Trauma Wounds: Delve into those deep-seated emotional scars from past traumas. We'll help you recognize them, even if you've tried to forget or they're buried beneath layers of time.

    Inner Child Wounds: Remember those moments from childhood when you felt unsafe, unloved, or unsure? We'll guide you through recognizing how they still influence your adult decisions, relationships, and self-worth.

    Past Wounds: Every relationship or missed chance leaves an echo. Discover how past experiences have shaped who you are today and how you feel about yourself.

    Societal Wounds: Society has its say on who we 'should' be. Learn to recognize and confront the pressures you've been unknowingly carrying around, feeling judged or constrained for being your true self.

Get Started With Your Emotional Wound Work

Remember, every woman, at some point, might find herself on the Emotional Struggle Bus.

But with awareness, love, and the right tools, you can find your footing again on stable ground, stand tall, and reclaim your radiant smile and spark.

You're worth the journey.