I promise everything I'm about to say is tough love from a therapist who’s been there too... but it's real and it's raw- because I know you need to hear it if you're here reading this. 

Now, let’s get down to the nitty gritty…

Stop telling yourself to "suck it up."

Ignoring your emotions isn't just messing with your mental state—it's tanking your relationships and potentially your health. Let that sink in.

Now, seriously, have you ever considered that brushing off your feelings might be more harmful than you think? It's time to pause and reevaluate.

What Ignoring Your Emotions Really Costs You

Feeling like you're tough for bottling things up? Think again.

That tension headache or sudden panic? It's your body telling you that you've got emotional debts due. Trust me, you can't dodge this bill forever. The stress you think you're avoiding? It's just getting repackaged, ready to hit you when you least expect it.

The Domino Effect of Hidden Emotions

Ever swallowed your anger at work, only to lash out at a friend for no real reason?

You're not solving problems; you're shifting them. Ignore your feelings about one problem, and you'll find yourself snapping at people who didn't cause it. You're offloading your stress onto others. Believe it or not, it just ends up turning one negative experience into multiple bad moments.That's not just unfair; it's damaging to you and the people around you.

Don't Be a Ticking Time Bomb

Holding in your feelings is like hoarding firecrackers in a shed. Sooner or later, one spark and everything blows up. What's left? Regret and more emotional baggage.

Burying emotions sets you up for overreacting later. A minor issue can lead to a disproportionate outburst. You're then left dealing with the aftermath: guilt, followed by more emotional suppression. It's a destructive cycle and it's a chaotic loop you don't want to be in.

Because, seriously, it’s hurting your relationships when you're the thin ice everyone’s been tip toeing around… and ultimately you’re hurting yourself.

The "I'm Fine" Trap

Enough with the "I'm fine" routine. It's not just a lie; it's a harmful one.

We all say "I'm fine" to avoid difficult conversations. Pretending you're "okay" is the first step to becoming a hot mess. Stop doing that! It's not helping anyone, least of all you. Ever notice how saying "I'm fine" never actually makes you feel fine? It just builds another layer to your emotional burden. Being honest about how you're feeling is the first step toward genuine improvement.

(Now, I’m not saying you need to unload on the self-check out worker at Target when they ask you “How are you are doing?” but I know you know what I’m saying here…)

The Underestimated Power of Emotional Awareness

Ready for a truth bomb? Being in touch with your feelings isn’t weak!

Yep, I’m going to say it AGAIN- Understanding your emotions is a STRENGTH, not a WEAKNESS. It helps you react less and respond more. That means better choices, stronger relationships, and less drama. Period. Plus, emotional awareness doesn’t just benefit you; it's a game-changer for how you interact with others.

Action Steps: Enough Talk, Let's Walk

Okay, I enough with the tough love- but that’s what it is, girl, it’s love- from someone who’s really been there too!

Now let’s get to how you can start to do something about it!

Daily Emotional Pulse Check: Start your day with a 5-minute emotional check-in. Stop ignoring; start acknowledging. Make it as routine as brushing your teeth, because emotional hygiene matters too.

Spot the Triggers: Keep a simple record of what’s pushing your buttons. Knowing is half the battle. The other half? Actually doing something constructive about it.

Talk About It: Find a real friend- yes the one who will call you out on your own sh*t. The one who’ll say, “Hey, you’re doing that thing again,” when you start sliding back into your old ways. Real friends aren’t just for fun times; they're your mirrors, showing you what you might not want to see but need to.

Time to Own Your Emotions

You can't afford to ignore your emotions anymore. They're not just along for the ride; they are the ride.

Ignoring your emotions doesn't help you or anyone around you. Stop delaying the inevitable and start dealing with your feelings now. You owe it to yourself and the people in your life to be emotionally honest. Time to acknowledge what's really going on and do something about it.

Let's face it, your emotions are steering that damn struggle bus whether you like it or not. So isn't it time you just got off the bus? (before it drives you over the edge!)

Ready to face it and own your story?

Don't miss out on the workshop that can change the way you deal with emotional triggers forever. Get on the waitlist now and be the first to grab your spot. If you're committed to breaking free from the vicious cycle of emotional turmoil, this is your first step. Act now!


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