Welcome to Life

No Filters, Just Feels: Diving Deep Beyond the Surface

Beyond the Highlight Reel

Do you ever look around and think, "Is everyone else really this put together?"

Or feel like you're the only one just barely keeping it together amidst the chaos?

Trust me, you're not alone, and the "perfect" photos don’t always tell the full story.

Here’s what this space is all about:

  • Life’s messy moments and the beauty in them.

  • Turning self-doubt into self-belief.

  • Getting a break from that heavy feeling of "always needing to keep up."

  • Finding peace in the middle of the everyday whirlwind.

This is a safe space where we get real, let our guards down, and share strategies to handle life’s roller coasters.

Rooted in the lived experience of a therapist who's been there. I’m here to provide you with unfiltered wisdom, real-life actionable strategies and compassionate guidance.

So grab your metaphorical (or real) cup of tea, and let's chat about making life feel a little lighter.

 Sound good?
From Spiraling to Security: Overcoming Trust Issues  and the Need for Constant Reassurance in Relationships

From Spiraling to Security: Overcoming Trust Issues and the Need for Constant Reassurance in Relationships

For the longest time, the fear of abandonment was like a shadow that followed me into every relationship.

It didn’t matter how great things were going; deep down, I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop- and I HAD NO IDEA WHY! My fear of abandonment wasn’t just a part of “who I was”; it was a deep-seated issue that sabotaged my relationships.

All of the things that just made me feel like I was “crazy”: the clinginess, the irrational jealousy, and the constant need for reassurance.

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Unpacking December's Baggage: Navigating the Holiday Season for Women

Unpacking December's Baggage: Navigating the Holiday Season for Women

Unpacking December's Baggage: Navigating the Holiday Season for Women

As we step into December, there's a certain kind of energy in the air, isn't there? It's a mix of excitement, nostalgia, and, let's be honest, a good dose of anxiety.

It's also about that overwhelming to-do list, the family drama, and the pressure to make everything 'just so.' The holiday season, starting with Thanksgiving, opens up a Pandora's box of emotions. You might find yourself juggling the joy of festive lights with the weight of unmet expectations. This series isn't just another holiday guide; it's a heart-to-heart conversation about embracing this season, with all its imperfections, and finding your strength in the midst of it.

We're here to talk about the real stuff – the messy, the stressful, and the beautiful moments of December. This series is for every woman who's ever felt like she's juggling too much during the holidays.

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